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Age Calculator

The Age Calculator can determine the age or interval between two dates. The calculated age will be displayed in years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds.

Modify the values and click the calculate button to use.

How to Use the Age Calculator

How to Use the Age Calculator on

The age calculator on is a simple and efficient tool that helps you determine your exact age in years, months, days, and even hours within seconds. Follow this guide to use the tool effectively.

Steps to Use the Age Calculator

  1. Visit the Website: Open your browser and go to
  2. Enter Your Date of Birth: Locate the input field labeled "Date of Birth." Click on it and select your birth date from the calendar or manually enter it in the correct format (YYYY-MM-DD).
  3. Select the Current Date (Optional): By default, the calculator uses today’s date to calculate your age. If you want to check your age on a specific date, enter the desired date in the corresponding field.
  4. Click the "Calculate" Button: After entering your birth date (and current date if necessary), press the "Calculate" button. The tool will instantly display your age in years, months, and days.
  5. View Your Age Results: The results will show your age in years, months, and days. Additional details like total months, days, hours, and minutes may also be displayed for better understanding.
  6. Try Again (If Needed): If you want to check another date, simply clear the input fields and repeat the process.

Benefits of Using Age Calculator

Conclusion: Using the age calculator on is a hassle-free way to find out your exact age in a few clicks. Whether you need it for official purposes, fun, or curiosity, this tool delivers fast and accurate results. Try it today!